This year’s Homecoming Dance was planned as a fun, wild ride for Oak Park and River Forest High School students.
Primarily set up by Student Activities Director Angela Hawkins, the dance took place on Saturday, Sept. 21 in the Field House. The theme for this year was “At Last I See the Light,” inspired by the Disney movie “Tangled”, a stark contrast from the disco theme last year.
To get this event up and running for the students, Hawkins, the Student Council and many others put in significant effort. “It is a little tricky having that many students in one place at one time, and the show will be a little bit more of an obstacle because of the construction, but we’ll figure it out,” Hawkins said before the event.
Homecoming festivities kicked off with a pep assembly on Friday, Sept. 20, followed by a football game against York High School the next day. The dance concluded the weekend.