A Note from Dr. Pruitt-Adams
a goodbye from OPRFHS’s superintendent to the graduating class

from Wednesday Journal photographer, Alex Rogals
May 27, 2020
Dear Class of 2020,
Congratulations! I am so proud of the work you have done to reach this milestone of high school graduation. The end of your time at OPRF was supposed to be full of enjoying senior traditions and making memories with friends. This year has certainly fallen short. But what I have learned about your class during my four years here is that you exemplify perseverance and grit; you are survivors.
The way we think about our experiences in life has a way of shaping our reality. So instead of viewing this spring’s quarantine only as something awful that happened to your graduating class, I encourage you also to reflect on it as time that has helped you grow and prepare for the world ahead of you. The flexibility and resilience you have had to develop will serve you well as you set out on your post-high school path. I can’t wait to see where you go.
Once again, congratulations and all the best to you.
Always a Huskie,
Dr. Joylynn Pruitt-Adams