Students speak out against injustice

A meeting was held in the Newscene room on May 11 by juniors Taylor Montes-Williams and Lee Chaloemtiarana to discuss current injustices and issues at OPRF. The issues were first written down, and then the discussion transitioned into possible solutions. Fourteen students attended, and the meeting lasted an hour and a half.
Primary issues addressed included problems with 504 plans (plans not being followed) and lack of awareness regarding common LGBTQ+ and racial problems within the school (i.e. misuse of gender-neutral bathrooms and ignorance regarding natural hair during swim units). Students emphasized some of the problems originated outside of the school as well.
The idea was Montes-Williams’, said Chaloemtiarana. They both had of heard problems around the school, but wanted to hear more in a structured format. “I wanted people to feel like they had a space they could feel safe sharing where their concerns would not be shut down (by) OPRF admin,” Chaloemtiarana said. Further, they expressed their enjoyment at seeing students work together as activists, but “it’s not something we should have been tasked with doing in the first place,” they said.
As for the future, the two are already thinking ahead: “We have our problems organized, as well as ideas for several solutions. The next step would be launching those solutions,” they said. Their plans to move forward will be discussed in further meetings.
Meeting dates and more information will be shared through social media. Follow Chaloemtiarana and Montes-Williams on social media for more information (see the attached image).