Repeal the 19th: a case against women’s suffrage

Indoctrinated child (me) FORCED to support RADICAL women’s suffrage movement by liberal mother. C.2016.
We all have people in our family we are deeply ashamed of. Whether they are alive today or lived a hundred years ago, it’s natural to disagree with family members–especially since so much has changed over the years.
For me, this person is my great-great-grandmother. She was a suffragette, meaning she fought for women’s right to vote. It’s hard not to have empathy for such a clearly lost soul. I’m sure she meant well.
However, no amount of excuses can validate the myth of gender equality she helped instill into our country. If I could go back in time, here’s what I would tell her: You’re lucky you live in a time where votes for women aren’t legal. It’s not too late to keep it that way. And, here are some reasons why you must.
For one, women don’t need to vote. It’s simply not necessary. They are just going to vote the same way their husbands are anyways.
Secondly, women simply aren’t smart enough to make decisions of that enormity. According to Jason Smith, lead medical adviser to, “Women actually only have 61 percent of the brain capacity that men do.” He explained how his practice doesn’t employ women: “It’s been a legal headache, but definitely worth it.”
Additionally, election day may come at a time when a woman is menstruating, and then where would we be!
We should be in the kitchen, cooking and taking care of the family. Voting would only cause a distraction for women. Marianne Calloway, leader of WSNV (Women Should Not Vote) explained, “It’s not men’s fault they are the superior gender. We should accept our roles in society.”
WSNV does incredible work that includes shaming women for practically any decision they make. They’ve been accused of sexism, to which Calloway responded, “Oh, absolutely. It’s about time we bring misogyny back!”
Also, men like us better (for good reason) when we keep our opinions to ourselves. It’s no use overwhelming them with our nonsense ideas like writing the world’s first computer program, inventing windshield wipers or developing WiFi, when they clearly know better.
I promise, ladies, it may seem hard to find a proper man, but the minute you stop trying to correct them and accept your inferiority you will find a perfect husband. As they say, good things come to those who shut up! And once a man agrees with your ideas about a woman’s place you will feel years worth of the validation you’ve been waiting for.
“My husband definitely prefers a clean kitchen and a quiet wife,” said traditional homemaker and husband to Smith, Jessica Smith. “I may get pushback from radical women who want equal rights and the chance to fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams, but it doesn’t matter because my husband and all of his friends think I’m correct.”