President Caroline Vietzen, a junior, has been a member of Student Council (STUCO) since her freshman year. She has been a cross country and track and field athlete at Oak Park and River Forest High School for the past three years, is a part of the service club Tau Gamma and is an Appalachia Service Project leader. Her primary goal as president is to “make all our OPRF experiences more fulfilling, fun and impactful,” she said. Vietzen will also work to “raise school spirit and create real solutions to issues brought up by students, both at the staff, leadership and school board levels.” Vietzen aims to give her full effort to ensure that she can be a voice for all and to make everyone’s experience at OPRF more enjoyable.

Vice President Rory Hurt, a junior, is heavily involved in clubs at OPRF. Outside of STUCO, she is a part of Mock Trial, Fueling Families and Letters of Love, which were recommended to Hurt by friends, and Best Buddies, which she joined at Percy Julian Middle School and has continued ever since. As vice president next year, she hopes to incorporate more entertaining events into the school. Additionally, Hurt said, “I also hope to increase our school spirit and really form a tight community between students.”

Board Representative Nora Butterly, a junior, is also a cross country and track and field athlete at OPRF. Besides STUCO, Butterly is also a future officer for both Best Buddies and Leadership. Butterly claims, “As Board Representative, I plan to attempt new modes of communication, such as digital forms, that are accessible to the student body at large.” She also plans to “encourage more students to speak up about their opinions surrounding OPRF by attempting to enforce promotion through things like QR codes in classrooms or links in announcements.”

Public Relations Manager Patterson Grant, a junior, plays girls lacrosse in the spring and tries to apply herself to OPRF as much as possible. “I will be sure to always provide my 110% effort with this position and make sure everyone is updated with our school and our club in an entertaining way,” said Grant. As a senior next year, she is guaranteed to bring enough enthusiasm for the whole student body. “I’m so amped for next year! Enjoy your summer, Huskies!”

Secretary Tess Cronin plays two sports at OPRF, tennis in the fall and lacrosse in the spring. Along with STUCO, Cronin, a current sophomore, is also a SATA (Student Athletic Trainer’s Assistant) for Sports Med Club. She plans to bring fun and new ideas to the Student Council as well as staying organized with the council’s activities and events. Focused on a camaraderie approach, Cronin said that “a goal I have is to get to know my fellow officers so we can all work together to include everyone and their ideas in furthering the community involvement at OPRF.”

Service Project Coordinator Alice Cadwell is a tennis and badminton player at OPRF. Cadwell, a junior, said her main goal as service project coordinator next year is to focus on helping the homeless population in the Chicago area. Cadwell, along with other STUCO members, recently made care packages for those in need. “I would like to do something similar in the future and give back to the community,” said Cadwell. “I want to encourage the student body to have compassion for less fortunate people.”