Oak Park and River Forest High School’s first-ever Cultural Fest, organized by Black Leaders Union (BLU), was hosted on Dec. 9.
BLU organized this event to bring together many cultural clubs including PALS (Pan Asian Leadership Society), MENA, (Middle Eastern North African Student Alliance), ASPIRA (Amistad Latina Leadership), and JAC (Jewish Student Connection).
Highlights of this event included sharing foods, histories, customs and cultures. The inspiration for the event began with three student groups, MENA, Aspira, and BLU, but later expanded to other groups.
Michelle Jiles, one of the BLU sponsors, said, “I hope that more students will become aware of our unique cultures and will be encouraged to join these different clubs. Also that they’ll meet new people they haven’t had the chance to meet previously.” Jiles also expressed her excitement for future events, stating they plan to make it “bigger and better next year!”