New club offers community to OPRF musicians

Logo by Jules Weir

The club’s logo

Guitars line the walls and under them are desktop computers for mixing and mastering. Posters of famous musicians like Prince keep watch over the emerging artists. The sound of acoustic guitar and the chatter of collaboration fills the room.

What ties this liveliness together is the sense of community, clear the moment you step into a Huskie Records club meeting. Immediately you are greeted by students jamming out with their friends.

OPRF’s new club focuses on sound production, recording, and music marketing. OPRF senior and club creator Zack Vogel said he wanted to “Make a club for all types of musicians to showcase their talent through their own means.” In OPRF’s songwriting and guitar class, Vogel saw a lot of people with musical talent. Club sponsor Brendon Culloton supported the idea from day one, Vogel said.

Sophomore Jules Weir joined Huskie Records after helping Vogel get the club established. “It’s a safe place full of other musicians who have similar interests and it’s fun to express your collective interests and work with other people,” she said. The club has around 25 to 30 attendees each meeting.

Vogel has a goal to “make a community of really strong talented musicians to help people learn and grow.” Huskie Records hopes to create a resource for artists. “If someone needs a guitarist or a bassist for their band they can come to the club and find someone. If you want to learn guitar you can come and find someone to teach you,” Vogel said.

Many instruments are available for students to play like bass, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar. Club member Dylan Clancy typically comes into meetings and “I grab a guitar, plug in and start playing whatever.” A typical club meeting involves using GarageBand to mix and produce music, while others write and record.

While some members are already established musicians at OPRF, experience is not necessary to join. Weir, who takes School of Rock lessons for drums, likes to play slow songs on the acoustic guitar. He enjoys playing modern indie and is inspired by classic rock. Clancy, who also takes School of Rock lessons for the bass, enjoys playing music inspired by the post punk and dream pop genres.

Huskie Records is a place where artists who enjoy all genres can come to collaborate with others who share their interests. “My whole life I’ve been listening to music and singing. I like to take pride in what I do,” says Vogel. If you are uncertain about joining, have no fear: “Whatever weaknesses an artist may have, we are trying to evolve them and make them strengths,” said Vogel.

The club splits into different groups when the meeting starts. There’s groups for people more interested in songwriting and performance, a group for sound production and engineering, and one for marketing. If any of those things interest you, stop by room 1109 after school on Mondays.