Student Superintendent Advisory Council starts up this semester

Starting this month, the all new Superintendent Student Advisory Council (SSAC) will be able to make student voices heard.

The council, composed of Superintendent Greg Johnson, Principal Lynda Parker, Board of Education President Sara Spivy, Board Member Fred Arkin, and 40 students (10 from each grade level), aims to include students more in administrative decision making. This could range from already existing policies to upcoming decisions. 87 students applied to be on the SSAC this year.  “All of the applications were reviewed (by Johnson and I) without names so that decisions were made based on the responses to the application questions,” Parker said.

Tim Mellman, senior and SSAC representative, is hopeful SSAC will be a success. Mellman was instrumental in making the SSAC possible. He advocated for the creation of the council when he realized students needed a more accessible way to voice their concerns about the school. If students get “what we believe is necessary, we will be happier students and will enjoy being at school more, which makes for a better school environment,” Mellman said.

Johnson has hope for the committee. Johnson said it is “a way for the administration and Board to engage our students in conversations about important school topics, and help to influence change.” Johnson then said he expects the council will cover whether or not to have a SSAC representative at Board of Education meetings, as well as what future facilities may need.

Even though applications have closed for this year, Mellman said to “talk to your friends and find someone who is a member of the SSAC this year — make them your ‘conduit’, in the words of Principal Parker.”

The SSAC has met on Jan. 25 and Feb. 15, and will continue to have meetings on the following dates: Mar. 15, Apr. 19, and May 17. Check the Trapeze website and Student Bulletin for updates on their decisions.