The Oak Park and River Forest High School’s wrestling teams are hoping to build upon the success of last season. With an impressive record of 10-13 and a second-place finish at IHSA regionals, boys wrestling continues to dominate.
The girls wrestling team has two ascendant seniors, Trinity White and Sarah Epstein, who have the program on track for a phenomenal season.

Patrick Woulf, the new girls wrestling coach, is beyond excited for this upcoming season. An experienced coach who has worked with the Auburn University wrestling club, he is hoping his expertise will be advantageous for his athletes.
As the girl’s season progresses, Woulf is stressing “togetherness and supporting each other. We feel the girls perform their best when they feel support from the team behind them.” Fostering a supportive and comfortable space is imperative for the wrestling program, he said.
Senior Trinity White has the same approach. “Each of our energy builds off of each other, which helps us do even better,” she said.
The race to state is a primary focus for White, who notes her will to “increase the pace that I’m working at, while enjoying the sport at the same time.” There is no surprise as to the rigor wrestling requires. Nevertheless, “there are abundant positive rewards that come of it,” said Woulf.
The boys wrestling team has a similar focus on teamwork and dedication. State qualifier Joe Knackstedt bridges the gap between success and hard work. “It’s not just going through the motions, or showing up to practice but actually being engaged in it,” said Knackstedt. That’s what happens when athletes stay committed to their regimen and continue to push themselves for the end goal: state.
The returning boy’s head coach, Paul Collins, offers new resources and structure as well as a new coaching staff. “With the addition of four assistant coaches, all alumni, our coaching staff has a clear understanding of the expectations for each wrestler in the program,” said Collins.
With a plethora of new talent entering the spotlight, Collins thinks his team is “prepared to have a competitive season.”